We all love to live in harmony with nature, enjoying rain, wind and sun. But achieving a sustainable lifestyle that balances our love for nature with our modern conveniences can be challenging.

Storoot offers a solution to this challenge. Our founder, an engineer by profession and a nature photographer by hobby, was born and brought up in a verdant village in Kerala. He was inspired to use his engineering expertise to reduce carbon footprints and contribute to a more sustainable future, and from this idea, Storoot was born.

We believe that sustainability and functionality go hand in hand, which is why all our products are designed to be both beautiful and practical. We want to create a world where we can live in harmony with nature, without sacrificing the comforts of modern life. With our hand-engineered products, we hope to inspire others to join us in our mission to reduce our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future for all.

Design to Products

Bamboo can be transformed into a semi-industrial material when it is flattened into sections, allowing for the creation of various shapes and designs while maintaining its high flexural strength. To achieve this, we developed our own methods by adapting existing industrial machines to work with bamboo. After obtaining perfectly flat and long sections of bamboo fibers, we delved into exploring its technical properties while prototyping our designs.

The Beauty of Nature

To ensure the practicality of our project, we designed and constructed several industrial machines specifically for bending bamboo. These machines are composed of various systems that work together to efficiently create the desired shape. Through experimentation with the material, we were able to envision multiple possibilities for the industrial production of our prototypes.

Design to Products

Bamboo can be transformed into a semi-industrial material when it is flattened into sections, allowing for the creation of various shapes and designs while maintaining its high flexural strength. To achieve this, we developed our own methods by adapting existing industrial machines to work with bamboo. After obtaining perfectly flat and long sections of bamboo fibers, we delved into exploring its technical properties while prototyping our designs.

The Beauty of Nature

To ensure the practicality of our project, we designed and constructed several industrial machines specifically for bending bamboo. These machines are composed of various systems that work together to efficiently create the desired shape. Through experimentation with the material, we were able to envision multiple possibilities for the industrial production of our prototypes.

Why Bamboo ?


Bamboo is renewable resource, harvested from sustainable and fast-growing forests or cultivations , Bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world, reaching maturity in just 4 to 5 years. While other hardwood species take 10 to 50 years to harvest. A new bamboo shoots grow and mature in five years, and this harvesting can be made in every years up to 120 years, with yields 25 times higher than hardwoods such as teak which takes at least 30 years to mature before harvested.


Bamboo is a material that offers exceptional strength, hardness, and stability in all types of products. In fact, the strength of bamboo fibers is known to be two to three times greater than that of wood, making it a superior choice for applications where durability is a top priority. Moreover, the tensile strength of bamboo is even higher than that of steel. This makes bamboo an ideal material for use in construction and engineering projects where high strength and rigidity are critical factors.

More oxygen

Bamboo is a remarkable plant that plays a critical role in reducing carbon emissions and combating climate change. Bamboo has the ability to absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and store it in its fibers, making it an important carbon sink. Moreover, bamboo releasing up to 35% more oxygen into the atmosphere than a comparable stand of hardwood trees. This is due to its fast growth rate, which allows it to produce more oxygen per unit.